Funding and Fees
Q. How much will it cost for my child to attend playschool?
A. We charge £18 for each core session your child attends. Set-up club is an additional £4 and lunch club £7.20. There is also a consumables charge of £13 each half term to cover additional costs.
There is an initial registration fee of £30.
Q. Do you offer wrap-around care?
A. You can extend the core hours for your child to attend from 9am-1pm. We are unable to offer full day care.
Q. Do you offer a discount to parents placing more than one child at playschool?
A. Yes, we offer a 20% discount on fees for the oldest child attending playschool.
Q. Can I book extra sessions?
A. We are very happy to accommodate a request for extra sessions if we have the places available and are within our ratios. Please speak to a member of staff for availability.
Q. Do you accept childcare vouchers and tax-free child care accounts?
A. Yes, we accept all childcare vouchers from employer schemes. Check with your employer if they offer childcare vouchers. We also accept payments from tax-free child care accounts.
Q. My child is 3 years old – how do I get the funding from the government?
A. All three and four year olds are entitled to up to 15 hours a week of funded preschool education in the term following their 3rd birthday, for 38 weeks of the year. (Working parents can apply for an additional 15 hours.) This applies until they reach compulsory school age (the term following their fifth birthday). We will apply for your funding from the local authority for the term after your child’s third birthday. To cover the gap between the council’s funding and our running costs, we issue voluntary contribution slips each half term. Although payment of these is not obligatory, it is very much appreciated and allows us to continue offering high-quality early years provision at an affordable rate for everyone.
Q. Is there funding available for 2 year olds?
A. There is no universal funding for 2 year olds but some families are eligible. To find out more visit
Q. How often do you review your fees and when do we have to pay our fees?
A. Our fees are reviewed annually. Payment is made each half term, either by bank transfer or childcare vouchers. We also accept cash or cheque payments and have credit/debit card facilities.